
Lilith was the first to be called a woman. The original seductive shape to sit by Adam's side. She is a hurricane of feminine will, a spirit that cannot be controlled or tamed through the words of prosaic patriarchy.
At the dawn of humanity it was this wild wilfulness that had her cast from paradise. Reborn in exile, she is the embodiment of chaos and seduction. Man has long tried to trap her with jealous labels, creating cages from words that drip with the shame of desire. This matters little to Lilith; she evades their capture with serpent dexterity.
Look forward to finding her again at Boundcon, blissfully entangled in the vines of temptation; hanging comfortably, like the forbidden fruit, for all to see. If you catch her eye, you may notice it sparkle with the savagery of the jungle's overgrowth. If you catch her wicked smile... then you might be in trouble.
Sarah Brooke, Araneae, Lilith, Rachel Adams
Mario, Irene Silver, UkCuteGirl, Lilith, StrongPanda