
The two-hour workshops offer the opportunity to learn knowledge, tips and tricks from experts in the field of BDSM and international top riggers.
The offer is aimed at beginners as well as advanced and offers the possibility to get to know many different styles, topics and variations of bondage and BDSM and to expand and deepen one's own knowledge.
15:00 - 17:00 (120 Min.) Goldie Sunshine - QUICK RELEASED on 3 STEPS
In this workshop Goldie Sunshine will present the unique quick release ties techniques from her dominatrix private sessions, focussing a lot of tips how to tie the quick release methods on your model to the ground and to semi positions during your session.
At the workplace we will combine the quick release technique in 3 forms:
- Single column
- Gote
- Futomomo (Agura is optional)
We can make those ties either comfortable or more challenging, depending on your abilities, goals and desires between both rigger and the model.
The ability to tie a good and solid single & double column, huju cuff, frictions, and good tension. The ability to understand Gote principles and Futomomo principles. rigger and model: Are confident with basic semi suspension.
Bring between 6-8 pieces of rope. 1-2 carabiners for semi suspension. Optional: bring some tools you like to include a BDSM play or/and a sex toys such as: blindfolds, floggers, body bamboo, gags, vibrations etc.
Something to comfortably move around in and be tied in
12 Paare/Couples
17:30 - 19:30 (120 Min.) Sarca - EMOTIONAL FLORWORK AND CONNECTION
A workshop open to all, dedicated to the emotional part of the ropes and how it can become a transcendental and deep practice without the need for too elaborate things. It doesn't matter whether your rope level is basic or advanced. You need two bandages and 3 ropes for this workshop.
for every level
3 Ropes
16 Paare/Couples
20:00 - 22:00 (120 Min.) Vlada - the magic transition suspension harness
The seminar will be dedicated to the ‘magic transition’ suspension harness. This is a masterpiece of spectaculous resuspensions that combines a traditional Maete chest harness with author’s innovative hip ties. It can be made either comfortable or more challenging depending on the goals and desires of the master and the model
basic skill
12 Paare/Couples
13:00 - 15:00 (120 Min.) Vinciens - Move
Die meisten Bondage/Shibari/Kinbaku-Sessions werden leider viel zu statisch durchgeführt.
Spätestens seit dem modernen Kinbaku, welches häufig im Sitzen und im Knien stattfindet, gibt es kaum mehr Bewegung im Spiel.
Mit diesem Workshop wollen wir wieder Bewegung in unsere gemeinsame Seilzeit bringen.
Egal ob kniend oder stehend, Bewegung macht die Fesselung spannender.
Je nach Gruppe und verfügbarer Zeit können mehrere Themen angesprochen und geübt werden:
- Vor- und Nachteile verschiedener Positionen der Partner zueinander
- Führen mit dem Seil
- Brechen des Seiza (traditionelle japanische Sitzposition)
- Positionswechsel (hinlegen, aufsetzen, aufstehen)
- Fesseln im Liegen (wie starte ich eine Oberkörperfesselung wenn der Partner liegt?)
- Bewegung durch Einladung
- Bewegung durch Energie
- Körpereinsatz (nicht nur die Hände können fesseln)
- und vieles mehr
Bondage basics. Die Partner sollten einander gut kennen. Alle Teilnehmer sollten knien können.
3 bis 5 Standard-Kinbakuseile (5 – 6mm Jute)
bequeme Kleidung
12 Paare/Couples
15:30 - 17:30 (120 Min.) Bob RopeMarks - Playful and pervy kinbaku
What is playful and pervy in kinbaku? What is kinbaku? RopeMarks firmly believes that kinbaku stems from a person's sexuality. In the words of a popular Japanese kinbakushi; kinbaku is hentai, kinbaku is for the perverts. Sexuality should be enjoyed, fun and playful, focussed and serious at times, but mainly playful.
This workshop consists of 2 in-depth tying exercises. If time allows we add another one and share stories from our experiences and have group talks.
The tying exercises will be challenging floorwork and suspension sequences with (possibly) multiple transitions. Most ties can be done within different ranges of intensity and dirtiness, so you can stick to your skill and comfort level. We will emphasize play and sexiness between rope partners over creating pretty pictures for Instagram - even though we cannot prevent that pretty (and fun) pictures will still come out.
Join us for a playful 2h of pervy and dirty kinbaku!
Rope partners (riggers and models) interested in joining the workshop should:
• Have been tying together for a longer period of time and feel comfortable with perverted, sexual and playful tying;
• Be able to communicate with and regularly check in with their partner;
• Be aware of the mental/physical capabilities/limits of themselves and their partner;
• Be confident with a “takategote” that works for them;
• Be confident with a “futumomo” that works for them;
• Be confident with basic suspensions;
• Share our view that kinbaku comes with risks, have a general understanding of what they are and how they can best be mitigated;
It's a pre if rigger and model: • Are confident with basic suspension transitions;
Bring at least 8 pieces of rope (more is always better) suitable for “Japanese rope bondage”; Optional: bring additional tools you like to include in your BDSM play, such as blindfolds, canes, paddles, gags, nose hooks, etc.
Something to comfortably move around in and be tied in
12 Paare/Couples
18:00 - 20:00 (120 Min.) Ligatio - Hit the ground running
In this workshop Ligatio & Lizanne will let you dive deeper into a coherent excercise focussing on better understanding of basic techniques and priciples.
You’ll learn about:
- basic techniques and principles, such as ‘2 column tie’, ‘nodome’ and ‘getting the right tension’
- ropehandeling - how to better use your fingers
- increase your speed without compromising the quality
Bring ropes if you have them, if you don’t have them, you can borrow some from the Workshop Instructor
Comfortable close-fitting clothing especially for the person to be tied up.
16 Paare/Couples
20:30 - 22:30 (120 Min.) Matthias Grimme - Schlaginstrumente und wie man sie richtig nutzt
Everyone has heard about it and in public you usually hear: SM, those are the people who spank each other. That it is not quite so simple is known to most SMers. But as with everything you start with, you have to learn how to handle it in such a way that you achieve exactly the effect you want. And that may still go quite well with the hand, but how is it with other possible percussion instruments. Tawse, cane, scourge, flogger, crop, single-whip: all have their good and "bad" sides. Which parts of the body are specific and where should you not hit. What happens anatomically when you are hit? And how do you actually prepare a good pain game, beginning, increase, change of instruments, climax? And what else should be considered?
Who likes can bring his favorite toy
16 Paare/Couples
12:30 - 14:30 (120 Min.) Shibaku - Seil trifft Tantra / Ein einzigartiges Erlebnis für Paare
For the first time, I am offering the opportunity to complement my appearance at BoundCon with a very special workshop. Together with Andrea (Andra from Amakido Berührungskunst), an experienced Tantra master, I invite you to immerse yourself in the fascinating world of sensual rope art and Tantric touch. This two-hour workshop is aimed at couples who are curious about how rope play can be combined with mindful touch and sensual moments. We start with gentle touches, as practised in Tantra, and then show how these can be expanded with various BDSM techniques. You will experience how both tenderness and intensity can be expressed through the rope – always tailored to your own desires and limits.
Content & Schedule
Since the workshop is limited to 2 hours – which is quite short for a Tantra journey – we will focus on simple, easy-to-understand bondage and learn some inspiring possibilities from gentle touching to hard play. This brief introduction offers you the opportunity to gain first impressions and experiences that you can later deepen and expand on at your own pace.
We will start with a short round of introductions and give you an overview of the workshop programme.
Introduction to rope art and Tantra
Andrea will explain what Tantra is all about and how touch can be taken to a deeper level. After that, I will show you simple ties that are suitable for playing together.
Practical exercises – learning to tie
Under Peter's guidance, you will get to know and try out various simple ties. The focus is less on complicated knots and ties and more on simple fixations that prepare and stimulate the model for further touching.
Combining rope and touch
Andrea will show you various ways in which you can combine and complement the bondage with tantric touches. You will learn how to extend the bondage with both tenderness and high intensity.
Practise and discover
You will have the opportunity to apply what you have learned and experience sensual moments together.
Conclusion & Feedback
At the end of the workshop, we will discuss your experiences and answer any questions you may have. We also invite you to visit us at the Shibaku booth afterwards if you are interested in learning more about tantra or bondage techniques.
Why participate?
This workshop offers you the opportunity to discover new facets of your partnership in a protected environment. You will be inspired to experience touch and bondage as a playful form of communication and to take your sensual connection to a new level. Whether you are new to Tantra or rope art, this workshop is an ideal opportunity to gain first impressions and lay the foundation for further exploration.
No previous knowledge is required, but it is helpful if you can already apply basic tying techniques.
A 12-metre-long plaited cotton rope and some toys are provided for the workshop. A (yoga) mat or blanket for your joint exercise session and any personal toys you would like to use.
The model should wear clothing that allows touching and direct skin contact. No oil is used for the massage.
12 Paare/Couples
15:00 - 17:00 (120 Min.) Ludvig - Free Forearm Suspension Shapes
Are you intrigued by the possibilities of gote but hesitant due to its complexity and risks? Are you looking for innovative alternatives that offer similar functionality while freeing the forearms for greater movement and expression? This workshop is tailor-made for you!
In this unique session, we’ll delve into my research on creating stable suspension shapes that allow for free forearm movement without compromising safety or stability. By connecting hip harnesses to upper body configurations—such as gote or strapado—we’ll explore designs that support both vertical and inverted positions. This approach shifts the load distribution to the hips, reducing strain on the arms and enabling your partner to move more freely and engage more deeply during suspension.
Throughout the workshop, we’ll also examine:
- The integration of chest harnesses for added stability and versatility.
- Smooth transitions between strapado and tango positions.
- The principles of body manipulation central to Yagami Ryu, emphasizing the harmony of nawasuji (rope techniques) and taijutsu (body techniques).
**Key Takeaways:**
- Techniques for crafting stable, free forearm suspension shapes.
- A deeper understanding of how body positioning and rope work interact.
- Enhanced partner engagement and fluidity in suspension.
Join me for an evening of creativity and exploration as we push the boundaries of traditional Shibari. Together, we’ll unlock new possibilities for your practice, empowering you to create safer, more dynamic, and expressive suspensions.
Comfortable close-fitting clothing especially for the person to be tied up.
12 Paare/Couples